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Training and Career Development

Are you passionate about the UN Sustainable Development Goals and keen to develop your leadership skills? The Welsh Government's International Learning Opportunities programme (ILO) provides a unique opportunity for managers and leaders who live or work in Wales to spend up to 8 weeks in Lesotho, Namibia, Somaliland, or Uganda.

The Welsh Government's 'Train Work Live' campaign provides opportunities for trainee doctors  and healthcare professionals from around the world to train, work, and live in Wales. 

"This free online learning platform is aimed at health professionals and all in the NHS in Wales, interested in learning more about Global Citizenship (GC) what it means to our everyday lives, understanding international perspectives and health professional’s experiences and how we can contribute, help with solutions and become more globally aware in and outside of work.


Split into six modules, a core and five ‘deep dives’ covering subjects such as aid and development, rights-based health, globalisation, peace and conflict and climate change, this resource is easy to access on the NHS electronic learning platform Learning@Wales, interactive, colourful and easy to use and will be invaluable to all NHS professionals."

This 30-minute module focuses on allyship and bystander intervention in racism and racial discrimination. (For RCGP members only).

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